The Consequences of Not Sealing Your Concrete Patio

Unsealed concrete is highly susceptible to damage and deterioration due to its porous nature. It can absorb various liquids, such as water and oil, which can cause discoloration and staining. In addition, oil, salt, fertilizers, and other household chemicals can also discolor and damage the concrete. To prevent this from happening, it is important to seal your concrete patio or driveway.

But what happens if you don't seal your patio? Well, your concrete may look good for a few years, but over time you will start to notice a difference in its look, feel, and durability. Aggressive advertising by companies that sell sealing products may lead people to believe that a sealant should be applied every year, but even skeptics agree that periodic sealing will help extend the life of any concrete slab. It is important to remember that unsealed concrete is vulnerable to damage and deterioration. To ensure that your patio or driveway remains in good condition for years to come, it is essential to seal it regularly.

This will help protect it from liquids, chemicals, and other elements that can cause discoloration and staining.

Samantha Caffery
Samantha Caffery

General travel ninja. Amateur social media trailblazer. Total food advocate. Hipster-friendly web specialist. Internet aficionado. Proud food junkie.